Text by Dibi Fletcher Photos courtesy of the Fletcher family & Heverton Ribeiro Culture Sports

Greyson Fletcher - Humanity Magazine

After a starring role in a cable show at 16, Greyson had many offers to pursue something more in that arena. He told me that he just didn’t see the fit for him and he started to drift a bit. By 18 he was set on moving forward with his skating and decided to drop by and stay with his dad, Christian, for a while. They both came to work at Astrodeck, the Fletcher family business—what better college education could we offer Greyson than actually being involved in an action sports business? He thrived in the environment and took off early to surf or skate every afternoon.

There were domestic and foreign road trips; videos and photos started surfacing of his unchoreographed, fast, loose surf-style bowl skating. It seemed fresh and reminiscent at the same time, with many skate legends from the past rallying their support. At first, just like it was with Nathan, Greyson didn’t want to get thrown into the “Fletcher” mix, wanting to earn his own place with his own ability. Completely understandable, but it is what it is, and for better or worse there is no separating, there is only excelling if you want to stand your own ground. And excel Greyson did for sure!!!

Getting a board and a clothing sponsorship to help with a travel budget, Greyson started life on the road. He went all over Europe, Australia and the States, and his reputation as a skater—but to me more important, as a fantastic guy—started to grow. Everywhere he went he was greeted by people who knew his dad, his uncle, even his grandpa. At first these intrusions were irritating to him, but now, as he told me a couple of weeks ago, it makes him feel at home everywhere he goes. People welcome him as an old friend of their family, not as an interloper into their “locals only” vibe. The great contemporary Brazilian skaters took Greyson immediately under their wing, and he has matured as a competitive skater immensely with their help. Skating like surfing is an individual sport, but the young Brazilian skaters all practice together, travel together and push each other to be their best. Their acceptance of Greyson into the tribe has helped him develop a sense of being part of a team, and they love being part of Team Fletcher.

Greyson stopped by the Deck for a family photo shoot after returning from an East Coast filming trip. He split the next day for 12 days in Japan; he’ll be home for a week and then it’s Australia for 13 days, etc. When you say to people my son is a surfer or my grandson is a skater, they roll their eyes, like yeah, right. Everyone’s road is a road; Greyson has been blessed with talent and has pursued it with a sincerity and sense of awe that inspires me. He’s quiet, unassuming, completely shreds, and I’m sincerely grateful to have him as my friend and grandson.






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